Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Define FK over DB boundaries

is it possible to assign a foreign key from DB1 to a primary key from DB2?
Nope, it's not supported. You'd have to do it with triggers.
HTH. Ryan
"Christian Havel" <> wrote in
> Hi,
> is it possible to assign a foreign key from DB1 to a primary key from DB2?
> Thanks
> Christian
|||No, you have to implemt that with triggers.
BTW: Do not cross(-language) post.
HTH, jens Suessmeyer.
You could add a check constraint that calls a function, but this is likely
to be very slow.
"Christian Havel" wrote:

> Hi,
> is it possible to assign a foreign key from DB1 to a primary key from DB2?
> Thanks
> Christian
|||> You could add a check constraint that calls a function, but this is likely
> to be very slow.
Careful with this - real DRI works in two directions. This would only work
in one direction and only for inserts and updates.
Both the trigger solution and the check constraint require changes to both
databases if you want to cover everything.
"Scott Morris" wrote:

> Careful with this - real DRI works in two directions. This would only work
> in one direction and only for inserts and updates.
|||> Both the trigger solution and the check constraint require changes to both
> databases if you want to cover everything.
Nothing I wrote disagreed with this. But, as I mentioned, a check
constraint is not checked during deletion. A set of triggers, when properly
designed and written, can enforce the required relationship. As far as I
know, check constraints cannot wholely support the requirement.

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