Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Define Pre-Calculated AVG measures?

It is possible in SQL Server Analysis to define Pre Calculated AVG measure?

Because If you are defining AVG measure for Calculated member then your report performance will down, so I need Pre Calculated AVG measure.

let me know anybody know any solution?

Dinesh Patel

You may want to read this:

Also, I think you can get SSAS 2005 to cache results when using MDX scripts to define calculations.

The following example for the use of CACHE function is listed on MSDN:

Scope (Customers.Geography.USA);
Sales = 1.1 * (Sales, Time.Year.PrevMember);
Cache (Sales, Time.Year);
End Scope;

|||Even though the CACHE statement is available and can be used, it is not supported. As such, there is not guarantee that it will work as expected.

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