Friday, March 9, 2012

Defining an Action in SSAS


I have the need to build an Action on a measure that belongs to a cube that behaves like a DrillThrough Action that returns details related to a measure.

The problem is that the details data should come from a table that is not inside the cube but it is in an SQLServer DB.

So, it is possible to define an Action that could retrieve data from an external DB?

If so, how I'll write the action in BIDS (Target Type, Action Type, Action expression, etc.)?.

Thank you.

You would need to create a rowset action. I don't have sample code, but hopefully someone else will be able to provide you with that information.


Thank you for the answer,

but you said to create a rowset action, can I use a "statement" action instead?

I mean, is there any reason that let you suggest me to use a rowset action instead of a statement action?

Please let me understand better. Thank you!

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