Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Defining a "partial" foreign could I ?

I have a table A, which has 3 fields:

- code, subcode and description (code and subcode are PK)

and a table B which has 2 fields:

- date, code, value (date and code are PK)

So far, no problem. It comes up when I try to define code in table B as foreign key pointing to code in table A, because table A has code and subcode as its PK, not only code...but, I need only code to be in table B. How could I overcome this?

Well this is kind of design issue...

You can't do it directly.. Your table design is wrong.

Try to use the following design:

CodeMaster :: code, date, value , codedescription
Code is Primary Key

SubCodeMaster :: code, subcode, subcodedescription
Code references CodeMaster::Code
Code, Subcode is Primary Key


Well, unless the code column is unique in an of itself (thus making it the PK), you can't (and you shouldn't). If it is, you could apply a unique constraint to the code column, but that would be silly.

In all likelihood, you actually need a table for a code itself that relates to both tables. This would be the proper solution, since a code is a different thing than a subcode, and any code info would have to be repeate on each row

You can enforce this with triggers too, but I wouldn't suggest that as the "best" case.

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