Friday, March 9, 2012

Defining AS400 Linked Server

Can anyone help me understand what it takes to define a Linked Server
connection to an IBM eSeries (AS400)? Do I need Microsoft's SNA Server
or some other product or can I simply do it with the tools provided with
SQL Server 2000?

Any guidance would be very appreciated. Thanks.

FaridHi Farid,

I managed this installing the AS400 Client Access for windows components
on the database-server.
At least you need the as400 odbc-database-driver on the windows-server.
Create a (system) odbc connection to your as400 and then create a linked
server to this odbc connection.
you maybe have to tweak / play around with the odbc-options for the
as400-connection to make it work.

just to point out the direction...


fn wrote:

> Can anyone help me understand what it takes to define a Linked Server
> connection to an IBM eSeries (AS400)? Do I need Microsoft's SNA Server
> or some other product or can I simply do it with the tools provided with
> SQL Server 2000?
> Any guidance would be very appreciated. Thanks.
> Farid|||fn <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Can anyone help me understand what it takes to define a Linked Server
> connection to an IBM eSeries (AS400)? Do I need Microsoft's SNA Server
> or some other product or can I simply do it with the tools provided with
> SQL Server 2000?
> Any guidance would be very appreciated. Thanks.
> Farid

This discussion may help:

Simon|||I found IBM's Client Access drivers to be error prone and slow.

Although not-free, Hit Software,, provides OLEDB and
ODBC drivers for accessing DB2/AS400 servers. I used the OLEDB driver
with great success.


fn <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Can anyone help me understand what it takes to define a Linked Server
> connection to an IBM eSeries (AS400)? Do I need Microsoft's SNA Server
> or some other product or can I simply do it with the tools provided with
> SQL Server 2000?
> Any guidance would be very appreciated. Thanks.
> Farid

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