Friday, March 9, 2012

defining background color in matrix

Hi All
In my report there is a dynamic matrix.
two section inside the data region need to be paint in two different
i defined an Expression in the background properties.
the Expression define two ranges(four cordinates) in order to paint one
and more two ranges for the other section.
the problem occour while examine the data come from the DB. in those
that there was no data involve the cell was'nt paint although it is in
of the painting.
i try to solve this by using the " is nothing" function but without any
one solution i had which is works was declaring temporary table int he
procedure ,addind rows to the temporary table plus the data it self
and then in the report to blank those cells by filter work's
those cells but damage the subtotal line(because new rows were adding
to the
table source).
if any knows how to solve this conflic i will very much appreciate
thanks in advanced
Amir KrugliakHi
If this is reporting services then you may be better off posting to the
microsoft.public.sqlserver.reportingsvcs newsgroup.
"" wrote:

> Hi All
> In my report there is a dynamic matrix.
> two section inside the data region need to be paint in two different
> color.
> i defined an Expression in the background properties.
> the Expression define two ranges(four cordinates) in order to paint one
> section
> and more two ranges for the other section.
> the problem occour while examine the data come from the DB. in those
> junction
> that there was no data involve the cell was'nt paint although it is in
> the
> range
> of the painting.
> i try to solve this by using the " is nothing" function but without any
> successes.
> one solution i had which is works was declaring temporary table int he
> procedure ,addind rows to the temporary table plus the data it self
> while
> running
> and then in the report to blank those cells by filter work's
> paint
> those cells but damage the subtotal line(because new rows were adding
> to the
> table source).
> if any knows how to solve this conflic i will very much appreciate
> this.
> thanks in advanced
> Amir Krugliak

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