Saturday, February 25, 2012

Default Web Site using wrong IP

I just installed sql server 2005 on a windows 2003 server. I chose the option to install but do not configure. After restarting, I used the Reporting SErvices Configuration Manager and it all looks ok. When I browse to //localhost/reports I get a rs page with the message of:

The request failed with HTTP status 400: Bad Request.

One slightly unusual thing is SQL Server 2005 was installed as a named instance ("(local)\SQL2K5") - the server's default instance is a sql 2000 installation, which had RS installed and running. Before configuring RS for 2k5, I deleted the VDs for Reports and ReportServer from IIS, so that I could recreate them to use 2K5.

The new ReportServer VD appears to work (although no reports are installed to test).

Thanks for any help getting this issue resolved!

I have a bunch of these in Application Log... I have a feeling it's related.. I don't know what it means though
The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
to the user NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE SID (S-1-5-20). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.



I'm not sure the applog error that you're catching is related, so let's try to fix it and then see if the original problem goes away (I suspect it won't):

1. Click Start | Run and run dcomcnfg.exe

2. In MMC, open Component Services | My Computer

3. Right-click My Computer, choose Properties, select the COM Security tab. Click on the edit default button in Launch permissions options area

4. Add network service and give it appropriate perms (Local Launch and Local Activation permissions)

If that doesn't do the trick:


2. Under Component Services -> My Computer -> Dcom Config -> Netman click
Properties, then Security tab

3. In Launch and Activation Permissions box click Edit.

4. Add Network Service with Local Launch and Local Activation permissions

Good luck!

|||Nope... you were right - neither worked.

I have since created 2 new VDs - Reports2K5 and ReportServer2k5, which correspond to my instance of SQL SErver 2005. The REportServer2K5 appears to be working OK... Reports2K5 (manager) still gives me the 400 error.
Would this error be logged anywhere?

Thanks for your help.|||Big Smile The site (Default web site) was using a specific IP address.. I changed it to All Unassigned and it works!

|||Good catch!|||Is there a way to configure SQL 2005 Reporting Services using an IIS Website with a specific IP?|||

I'm getting the same event error:

The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
to the user NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE SID (S-1-5-20). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.

I went into Component Services and Netman has local launch permissions and can find no reference for "Network Connection Manager Class" (the name the ID translates to based upon registry lookup). What in Component Services should I be looking for and where? This is a brand new installation of 2003 Server Professional w/ Exchange 2003 and all the latest service packs/patches. Thanks,



Had very similar on 4 servers, all using unassigned , but they all had host headers specified. Short summary below to explain.

Each server had three web sites all bound to unassigned ip address, using host headers and diffrent ssl ports to separate ou the traffic.

Report server had previously been working ok until the final site config when the host headers were implemented.

As one site could act as a default then the problem was resolved by adding an additional binding for port 80 with no header specified.

All boxes running fine now.

The origonal posting pointed me in the right direction and as I was also implmenting http endpoints in SQL , I could have spent awhile on red herings. Much thanks.


I believe this errors can be fixed by the following 899965


had a similar problem and found out the following:

If you want to run Reporting Services under a different port than normal, you have to change these two config files:

Enter the full path (like http://servername:port/ReportServer) to <ReportServerUrl> (delete <ReportServerVirtualDirectory> then!) or resp. <UrlRoot>

The result is then


... <Service>

Hope this helps,

PS: see also

|||Just a blank host header for a site that has an assigned IP. Work on three different boxes for me.|||Same for me. I moved Reporting Services to it's own website (because sharepoint installed it's own ISAPI filter on the default website that was totally screwing up RS), and set a host header for the new site. Every time I turned off the default website, RS would break, even though it should have nothing to do with it.
I switched the host headers around (so the default website has host headers, and the RS website doesn't) now it works perfectly.


I'm trying to resolve the same error but having a bit of trouble following through the instructions in the KB.

If one of you could please set me right it would be much appreciated.

Firstly, the error I'm getting in the event log is as follows:

"The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID


to the user NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE SID (S-1-5-20). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool."

So I go to the regedit and look it up.
I search for BA126AD1-2166-11D1-B1D0-00805FC1270E
And Regedit duly comes up with:


Which identifies this as the "Network Connection Manager Class" the KB article then tells me to :

4. Click Start, click Run, type dcomcnfg in the Open box, and then click OK.

If a Windows Security Alert message prompts you to keep blocking the Microsoft Management Console program, click to unblock the program. 5. In Component Services, double-click Component Services, double-click Computers, double-click My Computer, and then click DCOM Config. 6. In the details pane, locate the program by using the friendly name.

If the AppGUID identifier is listed instead of the friendly name, locate the program by using this identifier.

And this is where I'm stuck.. cos there is nothing there that corresponds to a Network Connection Manager Class or to the CLSID... (is that what they mean in the doc when they refere to AppGUID ?)

So, I can't continue on with the fix.. because I can't find the right app to fix the launch and activation permissions for....

I'd really appreciate a bit of help on this one...




Another question on this...just to be sure I'm chasing the right tail....

When I point a browser at the site http://localhost/Reportserver$DeptServer05 I get the following message...

An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. (rsInternalError) Get Online Help

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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