Sunday, February 19, 2012

Default Value in Report Parameter

I have put a Non-Queried Default Value parameter in a report and got an
error, 'Fields cannot be used in report parameter expressions.'
The expression I'm using:
=IIf(Fields!NTFrequency.Value = "Quarterly",IIf((DatePart("m", Now)=1), 9,
month(now)-3, IIf((DatePart("m", Now)=1), 12,month(now)-1)))
I don't understand what's wrong'
Iris> ... 'Fields cannot be used in report parameter expressions.'
> =IIf(Fields!NTFrequency.Value ...
you are basing your parameter off one of the fields, which doesn't
work. Fields generally depend on parameters, so they disallow
parameters depending on fields :)|||Thanks, changed it to 'Parameters' and it worked.
"" wrote:
> > ... 'Fields cannot be used in report parameter expressions.'
> > =IIf(Fields!NTFrequency.Value ...
> you are basing your parameter off one of the fields, which doesn't
> work. Fields generally depend on parameters, so they disallow
> parameters depending on fields :)

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